emfluence client and account management

About the Skill

Name: Virtual Project Manager

What this skill is all about

This is a voice based collaboation tool between clients and account managers limited within the organization. By using this skill, clients are able to send suggestion and notes to their corresponding account managers on the go. Based on client's input account manager takes necessary actions.

For every note recorded, the skill sends a confirmation email to the client mentioning the latest inputs received from the client.


emfluence Didgital Marketing, USA.


Involves a two-step authentication

  1. Account Linking
  2. An organizational validation process

Who can use Virtual Project Manager skill

This skill is a property of emfluence Digital Marketing, USA. Only invited members by the organizations are eligible to use this skill. No one is able to use this skill without passing the above mentioned 2-step authorization process, although the skill is visible on Alexa App store.

How this works

The life cycle of the skill is like this:

  1. System admin invites a client by adding him to the system
  2. The person (client) receives an email which includes a 4-digit numeric code along with further instructions about how to use it
  3. Client Enables the skill from his Alexa App or Companion App or Home Card or Activity Section and links his Amazon account
  4. After successful linking, client launches the skill by saying Alexa, open virtual project manager
  5. Alexa prompts the client to say Validate me
  6. Client will then need to say the 4-digit validation code, which was e-mailed to him earlier in exactly the same way as desribed in the email
  7. If the validation is passed, skills automatically enters into the main conversation and asks the client to say Add note
  8. The skill then starts asking the client a series of questions
  9. The first question is mandatory. Anything after this is optional and client can move to the next available one by saying Skip
  10. After all the questions are asked, skill will ask whether the client wants to Continue or Stop
  11. Continue will start over and client now can walk though another note while Stop will terminate the inteaction
  12. On Stop, skill sends a confirmation e-mail having the latest conversation she has with the client
  13. Everythig that client "says" will be recorded in the database.

Commands and Phrases used in the skill

  1. For Waking up or Invoking the skill: Alexa, open virtual project manager
  2. Validation: Validate me
  3. To start adding note: Add note
  4. To conitune with more note: Continue
  5. To terminate a conversation: Stop or Cancel
  6. To know about the skill: Help

The validation

NB: This 4-digit validation is an one time process. Skill will only ask for the validation again in case a client is unauthorized by the system admin or by some other means.